Our Top 5 Homeowner Tips 🏠

Written By: Kelsey Hess and Andrea Poukey, Castle Realty

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! If you are looking for the Castle in your happily ever after, there are 100 little steps. The first one is to call us, we will handle the other 99. It should be an exciting time and with our help it will be! 

If you’ve already found your Castle, here are our Top 5 Homeowner Tips:

  1. Set Reminders In Your Calendar
    for things like when to change filters, clean your gutters, change batteries in smoke detectors, and turn off outdoor water. While you are at it, get your furnace and air conditioner on a yearly maintenance schedule! (You’ll feel very adult-y!)

  2. Organize Your Important Documents
    and keep them in a safe place, like a fireproof lockbox. When something comes up, you will be so glad you do not have to search for things like your titlework, warranty documents, home insurance packet, and home inspection.

  3. Prioritize Your Home Repairs
    and updates to align with your goals and budget. Keep invoices for any work you do; they will come in handy when it comes time to sell.

  4. Invest in Your Safety
    with fire extinguishers, CO2 sensors, and water leak alarms. You can never be too safe!

  5. Meet Your Neighbors
    Whether you need to borrow a ladder, you forget to close your garage door, or you are looking for a cup of sugar, you will be glad you made friends with someone close by!


Kelsey Hess and Andrea Poukey, your neighborhood Real Estate Agents
Expert Advisor Team, Castle Realty of La Crosse


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